Childhood Liberation
From Childhood Trauma to
Inner Freedom
In-depth process based on primal therapy

Join the flagship workshop of the senior therapist
Prem Sugandho
A retreat for people who are willing to dive into their innermost depth. You will encounter many forgotten and rejected places inside that yearn for love and security. The process will lead gradually to more connection to yourself, self-empowerment, joy of life and inner freedom.
The workshop is creating a safe space to meet and explore places within, that had to be hidden and narrowed in order to adapt to the given family environment.
Come and give yourself a chance to bring back those colourful and unique shades of your real essence.
"I'm tired of experiencing fights and tensions with the people closest to me."
"It's hard for me to feel connected to my body and my emotions."
"Intimacy challenges me and I do not want to continue to hurt and get hurt."
"I do not want to pass on my behaviors to my children."
"I do not understand how it is possible to create a healthy and pleasant relationship with my parents."
"It's hard for me to tell my truth as it is, because I'm afraid people will keep their distance from me."
"There are people around me but I am accompanied by a sense of loneliness, and it is not clear to me why."
"Memories from childhood still go with me and I never dared to open and process them."
"I have almost no connection or memories from childhood…"

Our childhood experiences and wounds directly affect the way we conduct and experience our adult lives.
The limiting beliefs and behavior patterns we hold today are a product of the experiences we went through in the early years of our lives.
All levels of our adult lives are affected by our childhood..
This is where our personality was created and if we do not process and meet these experiences, wounds and conditioning from childhood will continue to run and shape our lives. Past pains will continue to lift their heads and cause us to sabotage ourselves and our relationships, to reject, to fight, to justify and at the same time - to live in a longing for healing from something we do not know what it is.
"Mom loves me when I smile and gets angry when I cry."
“Dad is sick, I have to be strong for him.”
“Dad and Mom are busy, I do not need them. I'm a big boy.”
Every life story is special and different, but there are elements that are the same for all of us. The love and trust we give our parents while we are children is total and absolute. As children, we will do anything to win the love and attention of our parents, because they are our whole world
Our emotional seal is formed already while we are in the womb. We feel the tensions of our mother, her changing moods, we hear her voice when she is sad or happy. Many of us think that we did not experience anything difficult or painful in our childhood, But when we say that, we are speaking from the adult we are today. Our inner children have a different story to tell
The way children feel and perceive reality is different from the adult's perception of reality. They are dependent and limited in the choices available to them. As children, we make decisions based on what we perceive from the environment. We adopt the survival strategies that are most available to us in those stages.
The decisions we made about ourselves at such an early age accompany us for the rest of our lives, even though as adults we have already forgotten about them and are unaware of their origin. More than that, we believe it is our nature: not to cry, to be strong and not to need to speak.
Returning to the roots of our childhood allows us to uncover many of the same decisions we have made, to examine and re-select our quality of life. We will understand, because we did not choose to be strong because we really felt that way, but because no one was able to support us at that time. In those years, there was no other choice for us.
But today, we are given the opportunity to open a new page, take responsibility and create for ourselves a living reality of freedom, authentic expression, pleasure and power.
Watch Sugandho explain about the process

In seven days, in a protected environment, we will allow the magic of love to take place.
Using tools from the worlds of Western therapy combined with wisdom from the East and experiences such as:
❦Emotional expression through creation
❦ Connected breathing techniques
❦ Psychodrama
❦ Movement and connection through the body
❦Active meditations
❦ Guided Imagination Journey
❦ Constellation work
❦ Sharing and listening
❦ Writing exercises and more...
We will gradually lead you through a process of regression, back to
Since many of the experiences that shaped us happened in early non-verbal stages, in years we have no conscious memories of, we will work via the body and the world of feelings. All our memories are engraved in the cells of our body.
In the workshop, we will delve into an encounter with our inner child and learn to create a healthy connection to the child within.
During the workshop we aim to build a loving relationship between the adults we are today, and the childlike parts of our early years. These parts will always be with us, and we can address them in new and loving ways. They can become a source of self-compassion and wisdom .
The process is accompanied by significant moments of discovery and understanding and is suitable for people who have already done inner work.
Technical details
pay attention
The workshop will be conducted in English with Hebrew translation if needed
This is an intense week with a rich daily schedule.
In order to fully dedicate yourself to the process and avoid distractions, some workshop times are silent.
Alongside Sugandho, the workshop will be held by a large team
that will support and accompany your dive into the process.

Workshop facilitator

Prem Sugandho is a senior OSHO therapist with over 30 years of experience facilitating workshops all over the world, including Europe, Asia and the Middle East.
Her educational background includes university degrees in Psychology, Sociology and Education. Additionally, she has studied and experienced many alternative methods such as meditation, Reiki, Chakra Alchemy, Neo-Reichian Pulsation (Breathing), Hypnosis, NLP, Sexual De-conditioning, Childhood De-conditioning, Primal-based work and Family Constellation.
Sugandho has been an OSHO disciple since 1980 and combines her professional knowledge of Western psychology with alternative Eastern methods. She is directing the OSHO Institute for Inner-Alchemy and Meditation, leads Chakra Alchemy trainings and
workshops, and offers private sessions.
"I grew up in a small village in Germany in the after wave of the 60-ies. An exciting time to grow up. Though my immediate environment was very conservative, the energy of rebelliousness at school and university was strong and helped to not even enter the cage prepared for me.
I met OSHO when I was 21 years old and that set the direction for my entire life. Nonetheless it was also important to me to follow classical education and so I studied education, sociology and psychology and completed my University degree. The combination of OSHO’s teachings, meditation and western science has made my life and work rich and colourful.
I lived in India for over 15 years and when settling in Israel, where I am living until today, I opened an Institute for Inner-Alchemy and Meditation for my professional work. It has become the umbrella for the Chakra Alchemy trainings and workshops I am leading.
I live in the Israeli desert because the silence of the desert has always inspired my meditation. I love the cultural diversity of Israel. Czech Republic has become my base in Europe in the last 15 years. As a contrast to the desert I live and work there in a lush and green countryside environment."
She lives in Israel and is inspired in her work by the silence of the desert.
Watch Sugandahu's Ted talk